onsdag den 12. september 2007

Beach, Seaworld and absolutely nothing else!

So, as you might have already noticed from the headline (so to speak), this is going to be an english blogging. The reason for me blogging in English, is simply because I felt that my written English was getting a little rusty..
Ah well, here goes :)
Wonderful, magnificent, marvelous are just some words that could describe the beach which we used a good afternoon at yesterday. We're talking a beach with blue clear water, high waves, white sand, beautiful surroundings and the best of company. The three of us bought a soda and just sat there reading, talking and of course bathing, for hours. After which we decided it might be a good idea to go catch a flick at the nearest movie theatre.
There was one movie worth watching - 3:10 to Yuma. We knew that the movie was on at 5:10 so we set out to make it by then. We arrived at 5:20. But as we soon discovered, the cinema was located in a huge outdoor mall (apparently San Diegans are particularly fond of outdoor malls :p). With two hours till the next airing, and absolutely nothing to do, we decided that it was our civic duty to supply the nearby shops with our money - in plain terms WE WENT SHOPPING! :)
Anders was sent too the nearest bookstore while Ditlev and I went straight for the clothes.
It seems that the cheap prices of America are going to make a dent in our wallets after all, but hey, who cares?
After Ditlev had purchased yet another pair of pants, we went to the next-best thing, a shoestore! Hehe.. Seeing as I have only bought one pair of shoes over here, I really felt that I should, nay MUST buy (at least :)) one more pair before leaving this mall. And so I did, and so did Ditlev :p It just isn't healthy for the two of us to be in a shop together (Ditlev calculated that he had spent 150 dollars a day in San Diego.).
After hundreds of dollars had been spent, and several shops pillaged, Ditlev and I caught up with Anders and got tickets for the 7:10 showing of "3:10 to Yuma". (A movie which can be described with two infinetely cool words: Russell Crowe! Hot damn he is freaking on fire :D)

Well that more or less summarizes that day, and seeing as i really don't feel like describing yet another day quite as detailed, i don't think i will :)
You will only get a short, short summary! Muhaha :p

Today we went to Seaworld. A trip that cost us 135 dollars alltogether, and not at all worht it, although "Shamu the Killer Whale" was rather neat.
Ditlev used more money, when he bought an Ipod with 80 GB's for a stunningly low amount of 250 dollars. (For moms, an ipod in Denmark with the same specifications would cost at least 500 dollars :)) Other than that we really didn't do much today. Ditlev's face got completely sunburned once again, and he still refuses to remember wearing sunscreen. (Remember Ditlev's habit of forgetting things? Hehe..)

Well that sort of wraps it up.
Hope you're all well, and very, very jealous of the fact that we have 77 degrees fahrenheit (25 degrees celcius) and sun all day long, while you have rain! Haha! :)

Pelle over and out.

3 kommentarer:

Unknown sagde ...

Sig mig køber Ditlev ikke lidt vildt ind? Tænk hvis han taber den Ipod! Men ellers er det så sjovt at høre om detaljerne i, hvad I laver. Og vi ER noget jaloux på jere vejr, men indimellem er det osse fint her - selvom temperaturen er 10 grader lavere

mlj sagde ...

hej drenge,

det lyder godt nok nice! vejret her i london er nu ogsaa paa den rigtige side af de 20 grader, saa jeg nyder solen i et par stykker af de lokale parker :.)

jeg er glad for at hoere at 3:10 to Yuma er god - skal nemlig ind og se den i aften sammen med nurul! flere free tix her! i morgen staar superbad for skud, hehe..

fedt med ny ipod - og med den stoerrelse saa kan man have oceaner af musik og stads derpaa - sweet! han ville ikke hellere have den nye touchpad ipod..?

jeg troede faktisk at seaworld ville vaere superfedt - da jeg var i SD valgte vi ml seaworld og SD Zoo - som var ekstremt nice!

haaber alt er vel - det lyder heldigvis saadan!

Anonym sagde ...

hvornår får I tid til at skrive breve her på siden? når I også køber sko, ipods, ridder på plastic hvaler og skriver anglais m. korrekt komma. Næste gang må det blive russisk.
den nyeste iPod-generation er iøvrigt vanvittig lækker, skal jeg da lige hilse at sige.
Nyd minutterne på plastic-hvalen og ved den enarmede tyveknægt i Vegas. Pludselig er det slut, og så savner man de mindeværdige minutter som for længst er long gone.
I Grand har vi Shhh-festival (børnefestival) og børnehaver der stormer biografen med skumfiduser og slikkepinde, så det næsten minder om en 69-demo.